Production Technology of Granule Compound Fertilizer

Granular compound fertilizer production technology/mechanism/principle of granule formation:

There are two technology/ways/principles for the production of granular compound fertilizer. These are:
i) Agglomeration Type Process
ii) Accretion Type Process

i) Agglomeration Type Process:
In this process, 50-75% of the raw materials are dry solids. These solid particles are assembled and joined together by a combination of mechanical interlocking and cementing - much as a stone wall by using stones of a various size and mortar as cementing agent. The cementing medium for fertilizers is derived from salt solutions, for example Ammonium Phosphate Slurry.

Figure: Agglomeration Type Process

i) Accretion Type Process:
Accretion refers to the process in which layer upon layer of a fluid material for example Ammonium Phosphate Slurry is applied to a solid particle causing it to grow in size. This type is used to produce DAP, MAP